For many teachers and students, this month marked new beginnings- new year, new students, new classrooms, new schools. It is one of my favorite times of year because there is so much hope and energy at the start of the year. We plan, we decorate, we meet the teacher. happens. And everything changes. In an instant. This week, life happened hard, for a lot of people.
Perspectives always change when life happens. But, here’s the thing….life happens all the time. The kids in your classroom today have life happening It may not be flood waters, but it’s something. Teachers, too….that teacher that seems resistant to trying something new...guess what? She has life happening to her, too. Let’s face it. Life is capable of pulling some serious punches and kicking us hard in the gut when we least expect it. It hurts. There’s not always a silver lining. Sometimes it’s just crud that we have to trudge through. Sometimes a lot of us have to muddle through the same crud together, and other times, we have to wade those infested waters on our own. For many of our students, school is their place to get supplies so that they can muddle through a little longer. For others, school is, unfortunately, the place where they have to do their hardest fighting.
As the year begins, it is easy to get caught up in the need to jump right into content or find out reading levels or get every kind of data point possible on our students so that we can group and chart and intervene. But...I’ve never seen a test, or curriculum program, or even a leveled book jump into alligator infested waters to save a family, so….they can wait.
I challenge my teacher friends to just take some time as this year begins to get to know your students...and their families. Find out about their Life. What gifts has their Life given? What punches has their Life thrown? Let them in on your Life, too. All the other stuff will be there. Life happens hard-for better or worse. Let your classroom be the better.