Tuesday, March 31, 2020

10 Questions to Ask during Unexpected Times

Hanging on the wall opposite my desk is a quote from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland that says “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” That quote reminds me that every situation, every trial, every success, and every opportunity has a role in creating a new iteration of me. Sometimes there are clear events that draw a before and after line in our lives. What’s happening in our world right now with the coronavirus may be one of those times. Even when the pandemic is over, it will be unfortunate if we, as individuals or as a society,  just try to go back to business as usual and overlook all of the opportunities that this event is providing to evolve into new and improved versions of ourselves. So, as we are in the midst of this unexpected event, I encourage you to take time and reflect on the ways you are changing as an educator, parent, business owner,
leader, or whatever role you are playing. Here are some questions I’ve been thinking about as I confront my priorities, my creative pursuits, and my path going forward. I offer them to you as tools for your own self-reflection.

  1. How would my (message, brand, teaching, business) have been different if I had known I wouldn’t be ______?
  2. What do I wish I had done that would have put me in a better position for this situation?
  3. What did I do prior to this happening that has benefited me in this situation?
  4. What have I learned about myself, my life, my job, my family that I didn’t know (or pay much attention to) before?
  5. What have become my 3 top priorities since this happened? Why?
  6. What has become less of a priority for me since this happened? Why?
  7. What in my life has stayed consistent or has not changed?
  8. What do I want to remember when the dust settles and things go back to “normal”? 
  9. What potential opportunities can I see in this situation?
  10. What words have resonated with me throughout the situation? What do these words reveal about my experience?

What other questions have you been asking yourself during this time? I’d love to hear some of the ways that you are evolving through this moment in history.

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